вторник, 25 февруари 2014 г.


 by Nina Zlateva (paintings) and Elena Natcheva (poems to the paintings)

(EN) *

February 27th, 2014 from 18:30pm
George Papazoff Gallery – city of Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Our Milky Universe

Opening of the exhibit

A Joint Exhibition 2 in 1 of paintings by  NINA ZLATEVA

Starting to speak with the texts by  ELENA NACHEVA

George Papazoff Gallery – city of Plovdiv
Jointly with ELA Theater - Sofia

Poem by Elena Nacheva

It is time.  When the Alarm wakes us up for coffee.
It is time for the Awakened tales in our hearts.
Someone made the mistake laugh-fatally to consider objects “inanimate”.
Their soul is just like ours.  It is time for us to wake up!
The soul of the objects is dancing in the rhythm of our veins.


The Opening of the Exhibit is with the partnership of ELA Theater – Sofia, 
and the laugh-therapists – LaFamily Lafazanov in their roles of the “Subscribed Weirdos”. –
The announcers of the exhibits of friends – 
Doctorate Candidate KRASTIU LAFAZANOV 
have prepared in honor 
of the fabulous paintings of the golden-fingered NINA ZLATEVA 
a fantastic 30 minute edition of the laugh-performance 

Please join us for the opening and take a sip of the healing therapy 
made of laughter and art 
who will definitely awaken 
your sense for Pure joy in our dusty of the living souls.


*Translation  Brani Andreev, American Rupite, Thank you, Brani!

Превод на английски Брани Андреев, Америкън Рупите, БлаGODарим, Брани!

Добрата новина” худ. © Нина Златева
The GOoD News, artist Nina Zlateva


                     ДОБРАТА  НОВИНА

Гарджето пошушна: – Под крилото му е скрита!

Славеят добави: – Не, в сърцето му виждам да пърха!

- Той е въплъщение на Добротата и в това е Новината -

изчурулика безстрашно врабчето и затанцува в небето.


Всеки се смълча, Новината осъзна... 

Без да се бави, от съмнението се избави. 

И пожела самият той да може на мига 

да се въплъти в Добра новина.
                ЕЛЕНА  НАЧЕВА

Текстове © ELA.Всички права запазени.Copyright


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